Published Mar 23, 2016
4 Posts
I'm in dire need of advice from current APN's or MSN students. I'm in an online FNP program and have been doing well in class. However, I started my first clinical (only 100 h) and I'm concerned that I will not be prepared when graduation rolls around. My preceptor is a great APN, but normally doesn't take students and basically had me shadow. I have STRUGGLED finding preceptors and am still looking for quite a few hours. I actually left the state for my first clinical because I couldn't find anyone in my current city. I know this is a common problem, but I'm starting to wonder if a program that actually places their students (like Georgetown) would be worth transferring to. I know all of my credits wouldn't transfer, but it may be worth repeating classes if I feel more prepared in the end.
As of now, I have about a year left in my current program, with many unfilled clinical hours and plans to go out of state again for almost all of my planned clinicals. If I'm unable to find preceptors, I will be held back for a semester. Georgetown's program typically takes 18 months, but I can transfer 11 credits hours and they find clinical placement near your home. I know this would be horridly expensive, but I'm feeling rather desperate and am unsure what to do. Any advice?
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
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