Published Jun 12, 2014
10 Posts
I have been accepted to the Montgomery College Nursing Program for Fall 2014. I am reaching out to current or Alumni Nursing Students for your words of wisdom.
I am super excited to start and can't wait to hear what pearls of wisdom you will share.
92 Posts
The program has just recently gone though a huge change and all the class numbers and some of the requirements have changed, but i'll try and help based off of what my experience was.
You know, I had typed up so much about things that occurred in the program, and just deleted them. Thinking back on what I had endured just makes me want to keep this as simple as possible of an explanation.
Honestly, nursing school is insane. The stress that you have starting out with that a C grade is now 75%-79.9%, there is no rounding and that there is no make up work is tough. The material is so vast for how many questions will be on the exams, and then cumulative finals. Then the questions- it isn't like Anatomy and Physiology where you have four options and then one is right and if you studied you'd know it, theres more than one right answer, just one is the 'best' answer. You have lab hours that you have to complete to practice the skills that you learn. You really need to learn the stuff, you can just binge study and expect to do well down the line, it all builds on the previous course and really is important even for the NCLEX. It is NOT going to be easy. It is work and when you reach the end you will be so relieved.
Suggestions- Get a damn good group of people together to study with. I know if it wasn't for my study group and now amazing friends, I would not have been nearly as successful. Break up the topics, each person outlines whatever and then share it. Try to summarize as much as possible. Understanding the patho helps, but don't memorize it like thats what you'll be tested on, because you won't be. It helps to think through the answer options though. The which one is best applies to the ABCs and safety. A lot of the select all that apply questions do come from the boxes. Seriously, leadership was the dumbest class out of them all but the information there is important, it came up on my NCLEX. Theres an NCLEX study guide on leadership prioritizing and something, that really helped. There are these books out that have silly photos and how to remember things, hot and dry- sugars high. They are helpful too.
The majority of the staff is wonderful. I really liked each one of my clinical instructors. It is hard to plan who's clinical you want to be in since its by lottery and your number is by random or by where your last name lands you. IN your first semester I can't think of anyone to avoid, so I suggest asking students who are in the class ahead for suggestions once your on campus.
Starting out it looks like it'll take forever, but it goes by so quickly. Good luck! Hopefully I was of help to you!
33 Posts
Yes, the program has gone through many changes. You will need to be extremely flexible and save time out for things like lab hours and such. Just take it one day at a time and you will get through.