Advice on Dropping O-Chem



I am in a situation! I'm pretty sure I will get either a C/D in my organic chemistry class because this semester has been tough for me as my father was diagnosed with a rare lymphoma and I have been having to take care of him! I took the class as I was pre-PA before I decided to switch to nursing.

None of the nursing programs I want to apply to require organic chemistry. The drop date is coming soon and I am wondering if I should drop the course or try and stick it through. I guess I'm worried how the C or even D will affect my GPA as right now I have only a ~3.45. or even how the W will affect my application or my future graduate application. (**Also in 2008-2009, I have already a few W's due to my first years in college and I didn't know what I wanted to do and I thought W's were better than F's, but since then I have gotten all A's and 1 B in genetics and no recent W's)

I have submitted only a couple applications and plan on submitting more.... I have my bachelors so the schools I am applying to are mainly second bachelor degree programs..

Please Help! ... What should I do?

I would drop the course and use the personal situation as the reason. Of course that would look better if you dropped all courses this term.

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