Advance diagnostics & procedures


Hello, I am a student with USF in my fourth semester of FNP and my class started today and we do not have books to use as references. We were advised in class today we would not even get a study guide so basically we are on our own for the test. Our tests will come from lectures and articles. Can anyone help give me some insights how to prepare myself to pass this class?

Hi. I am in this class (section 002). I am in my 4th semester as well (had to take the summer off last summer b/c they canceled the classes we are currently in for budge cuts)

My friends took this class last spring and LOVED IT!!!!!. It was so easy, they did the exams online, had reviews, and studied the night before the test (they were also taking health assessment). However, they have COMPLETELY changed the course. USF LOVESSSS to change the teachers and classes constantly.

After the first class I felt really beat up and beat down. Dr R. almost made it seem like we would be so lucky to pass this course. (or at least thats how i felt when leaving). She seems a bit bitter and because she has been through a "revolution" none of us should have any problems in our life that are comparable so suck it up.

I'm very overwhelemed and don't know what to focus on. I'm just going to read all the articles twice over and really focus on the power points. I'm finding it difficult to get through the microcytic hypochromic anemia.

We won't really know how to study for these exams until after we take the first one. Lets just hope its a fair exam.

I feel like i'm alone and no one else in the class is anxious about this class. But i need to just relax and think "nothing can be worse than patho LIVE"

The main campus, USF in tampa?

are you in a different campus?

sorry, some people refer to uni of san fran as usf. I was just curious as I am applying to the acnp program at usf tampa.

I am in sec 003. Our first test is Thursday. Dr.R seems very angry. I am in Tampa. Good luck

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