Published Oct 6, 2005
94 Posts
Well three week ago I developed my twice yearly bronchitis. Well for the first time my doc heard me wheeze(I have wheezed off an on for years) So he immidiately put me on 60 mg prednisone and after a day and a half feel btter(could be the two different antibiotic i had be taken). .So he drops my pred to 40 and withn 36 hours i feel like crap again. sO back to 60 I go and aling with the mental side effects crying, anxiety so he gave me xanax-works wonders. Well he seitched me to an inhaled steroid on it isn't worsing at al. Shoud I push for the pills and xanax or is there soimthingelse out there?o
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Hi Sasha and welcome. I'm sorry but this isn't a medical advice board. My advice would be to call your doctor, explain your symptoms and/or make another appt. Good luck - take care of yourself.