ADON that doesn't listen


I have an ADON who honestly I really do like but she is one of those people that once she gets an idea she won't let it go. If I say no she continues to pursue it! I finally told her that behavior will not be tolerated. I respect her 100% and listen to her opinions and ideas but if I say no (which is not very often), I expect her to listen... It's not just with me either. I honestly think the problem is that she is one of those people who only listen to half the answer because she's thinking about what she's going to say. I don't want it to sound like she's a bad person or a bad Nurse because she's a sweet caring person and a great Nurse, but honestly no means no... Please don't take this like I'm on some power trip. I'm not. The CNA's find me in resident rooms changing people all the time, I help clean poop off the floor, make beds, help with transfers, if I have a minute I go out on the floor just to let me staff know I'm here for them and to help. Does anyone have any strategies for dealing with someone like this? I'm a new DON, only been in this position almost 2 years and this is a first for me... Thanks!

Specializes in Pediatric.

Not too sure what you're asking

I asked if anyone has any strategies for dealing with someone like this. Sorry if that was unclear I was trying to give some insight into what I'm dealing with which is the reason for the long post. Thanks for any input I'm very frustrated.

Specializes in Case Manager/Administrator.

You sound like a great DON who needs to speak to your ADON and provide clear communication of what you can/will delegate and what you will NOT delegate as far as nursing/facility operational decisions. Firm, Fair, and consistent always wins out.

Thank you! We had a long talk and for now at least, things are going much better.

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