Published May 2, 2020
1 Post
Hello everyone! I'm a current RN program student (in 2nd semester out of 4 semesters). I have a bachelor's in psychology. If I wanted to become a FNP, what do you think is the better route?
1) Post ADN: Get BSN and then go for MSN/NP program?
2) Post ADN: Go to RN-MSN program and then go for NP certification?
I actually started a BSN program last Winter, but now I'm having seconds thoughts.
Timeline wise, both route 1 and 2 are about similar. I assume route 1 is cheaper because, generally speaking, bachelor's degrees are cheaper than master's programs. But, route 2 will get me an MSN, which will give me more of a "status" and flexibility (in the case that I do not want to pursue FNP).
Or, in your experiences, is there another route that I'm not even thinking of?
Thank you all in advance!
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
Moved to General Student forum for more discussion.
203bravo, MSN, APRN
1,211 Posts
You could also consider an ADN to NP program. There is usually no need for the extra steps.