Published Dec 27, 2015
ctaylar, RN
70 Posts
I will try and make this as concise as possible. I have just finished my first semester of pre-reqs, knocking out 3 of 5 required. My problem comes with A&P/biologies. The school I am attending requires Gen Bio 1 and Gen Bio 2, as prereqs for A&P. I couldn't get into a Gen Bio 1 class fall semester, so I've added another year of prereqs. The school has three options for A&P prereqs, Gen Bio 1 and 2 with C or better, Gen Bio 1 AND ACT science score of 22+, or Gen Bio 1 AND TEAS science score of 58+. I am doing Gen Bio 1 spring semester, the fall could be Gen Bio 2, the spring A&P before applying to the nursing program for the fall. First semester of nursing includes A&P 2. Should I try to test out of Gen Bio 2? Which would be preferable to take, ACT or TEAS? Then I could take A&P 2 the spring semester before nursing school to lighten the workload. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense and I would really appreciate input.
262 Posts
Well from what I read you still will have to take all of the required "GEN" Classes. I would try to see what test you would do good at. If I was you I would take some practice exams to see what scores you would probably end up with. On the teas test a 58% isn't to bad but I would want to shoot for a 80% to make yourself stand out more from the other students that might make higher than the 58%. Hope all works out for you