ACNP ANCC 2004 and ACNP ANCC 2014


Well, I have know taking the ANCC ANCP exam in 2004 and again today in 2014. I found the 2004 exam much easier. Today's exam was all over the place with all the non clinical stuff. I listened to the Barkley CDs and spiral and Fitz (with Sally Miller) CD's and spiral I used Zerwekh book for the last chapters in research and theory. I got a lot of policy stuff and very little of nursing theory, 3 questions on cranial nerves. I really felt I could narrow it down to 2 answers and then just reason to what I thought was the best guess (my never felt totally sure). The clinical part was quite manageable. Also questions of Saw Pomento sp? and and Black Kowash sp?. Any, way I am so glad I passed because I really would not know how to study any different than I did.

Specializes in AGACNP.

I took the ANCC AGACNP exam last week and it was nothing like I expected. The questions were so random and weird. There really is no good way to prepare for it. I felt like I was making so many guesses that I couldn't be passing the exam. I am so glad it's over!

Hi i was wondering if you could give any suggestions on retesting for the AGACNP exam with ANCC. I hopefully will retest in a few weeks. Nervous Nellie! I don't want to go through this again. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

agacnptobe, what have you used so far. I really felt Barkley and Fitz was enough, concentrate more on the non clinical stuff. Barkley does a good job on health policy.

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