

I hold a BA in bussiness administration and I am halfway through my ADN degree. I've begun to think about applying to FNP programs that will admit students who are RNs with baccalaureate degrees in other fields as I would prefer to go straight into an MSN program in lieu of getting another baccalaureate. However, as I begin to look at NP programs, I am seeing that many (or most) of them state that you must come from either a CCNE or NLN accredited nursing program. The program I am in has neither accrediation. They are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and are NCA accredited.

I have contacted a few NP schools to see if I could still go without the CCNE/NLN accreditations. I have only heard back from one school so far, and they will accept my coursework without the nursing accreditations because my university and community colleges are regionally accredited. However, this particular school's NP program is 4 1/2 years in length, as opposed to many other schools' 2 year programs. While I wait to speak to admissions at the other schools I've contacted, can anyone offer their knowledge on this matter? Has anyone graduated from a non-accredited program and still been able to go on for a master's degree? Do you believe that programs ever waive the accreditation requirement?

Thanks in advance.

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