Accepted into Queensborough Community


I got the acceptance letter!!!! YES! one problem they have an orientation on june 8th and its mandatory if i dont go they will take my name off the list. I already booked a cruise thats leaving june 7th what can i do? Has anyone ever encountered this problem and was able to reschedule orientation. I was thinking about saying i have a business trip. Cause i am working full time and part time schooling so it can be plausible. Please any idea would help.

If it were me I'd reschedule the cruise.

Specializes in Geriatric and Mental Heath.

You don't want to ruin your chances of going to nursing school for a cruise. I know it sucks, but you'll kick yourself VERY HARD if you throw away your acceptance for a short romp in the sun. You worked hard to get into school. Don't blow it. There are MANY people waiting to take your place. TRUST.

BTW, congrats on your acceptance! :w00t:I took my CNA course at Queensborough a year ago. It was awesome.

Usually the acceptance and denial letters are given out around the same time every year with an orientation within a week or two after. Did you not know this before you scheduled the cruise last year? I go to Laguardia and we find out in the second week of July then two weeks after that will be orientation. On our candidacy letter it says if you fail to attend orientation you will forfeit your chances of entering the program at this time.

I did not know that at all. I'm definitely not giving up the program. I was just wondering has anyone gotten out of this situation. If worst comes to worst i will give up the cruise.

Specializes in ER, IICU, PCU, PACU, EMS.

Moved to NY Nursing Programs forum.


i also go to qcc

i think u should really go to the orientation

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