Accepted into nursing school but afraid

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing



Before I begin let me give some insight on my college experience.

I graduated HS in 2015 and knew I wanted to be a nurse. I ended up attending a local private school, that was extremely expensive, as a pre-nursing student. All freshman pre-nursing students were guaranteed a seat in the nursing program as long as they got the appropriate grades. I ended up losing my seat because I got a C- in AP 2. My grades in other courses were not stellar either. I was devastated and embarrassed. I could have still entered the nursing program later on, but I would be competing with people for left over seats. I decided to not waste money transfer to a much cheaper state school as a biology major as they did not have nursing. Im in NY by the way and live in the lower Hudson Valley, where all of the other state schools with nursing are either too far away for my liking or too competitive (CUNYs). At that point I had given up on nursing, but I knew I wanted to work in the medical field. At my new school I got my sh*t together and Im sitting at a 3.5 right now. I am also about to graduate. Before my senior year began my heart turned towards nursing again and I decided to take a chance and apply to an associates program at SUNY Orange. Deep down I felt like I was not good enough to get in because I heard it was competitive. Surprisingly, I got in! It's been about a week since I got the news and my excitement has shifted to nervousness and fear. This is a difficult program, as it should be. This is my second chance and I don't want to mess it up, but can't help to feel like I will. What are some ways I could calm my nerves? Also, do you have any tips on how to survive the first semester?

What to expect after that acceptance letter: WATCH THIS BEFORE STARTING NURSING SCHOOL! | What I wish I knew

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