Accelerated nursing program (UofT) or practical nursing program (George Brown)?


I'm a second-year history and political science student from UofT (St. George). During 2023, I took a leave of absence due to my disabilities and personal issues. I'm in good academic standing, although I have a poor academic record. After some much-needed time off and reflection, I decided to change my career path to nursing but I don't know the best academic pathway for my circumstances.

My first option is to return to UofT and pursue admission to the accelerated, two-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) program. I don't meet any of the minimum admission requirements, although I still have time to improve my GPA and complete the prerequisites courses for the BScN program. UofT is a very competitive and difficult university so I don't know if I'll obtain the grades needed for admission. 

The second and "easiest" option is to enrol into the practical nursing program at George Brown then bridge in the future. I would have an opportunity to work as an RPN and collect money before starting a bridging program. Since I aspire to become an RN, I don't know if this option would be more time consuming.

Should I stay at UofT and work towards getting into the accelerated nursing program or enrol into practical nursing and bridge in the future?

How many years worth of courses will you need to do all the prereq for the BScn?

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