Published May 11, 2017
1 Post
I'm extremely interested in applying into an accelerated nursing program, with my choices being anywhere from Western, McMaster, Queens, UAlberta or UBC.
However, I'm a bit apprehensive about the competitive nature of it, and not sure if I'll get in. I have a GPA of about 3.3 (realistically, about a 7.45 on a 10 scale with pre-reqs, so whatever that equates to GPA wise). I've fully completed my BSc in Biomedical Sciences at this point as well.
I'm wondering if it would be beneficial to do a 2 semester PSW program first? or maybe just get a bunch of volunteer hours within a hospital would suffice?
Any advice or knowledge on how competitive it is to get in, would be greatly appreciated
235 Posts
Don't worry too much about whether you will get in or not, just apply and see. I would also suggest to apply to one or two 4-years collab program as well as a RPN program. There both pros and cons for each program but the end result is that you will become a nurse.