Published Dec 12, 2007
1 Post
Hi Everyone,
I'm new to this forum and the world of nursing, so I was hoping someone might be able to help with some info about nursing school :). I am looking into nursing as a second career, and I already have my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. I would like to get my BSN from an accelerated program, but I am nervous about cramming in two years of nursing school into 1 or 1 1/2 years! And I'm assuming that I probably won't be able to work while I'm completing my BSN. My questions are:
1. Should I also apply to an ASN program?
2. How many classes do you take at one time in the accelerated BSN program?
3. Is it okay if it takes a little longer than 12-16 months?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!! :)
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
I moved your post to this forum to try for better responses. One of the neat things about nursing (which may be frustrating when you're researching) is that there are several entry-level educational paths.
Are you looking to stay within a certain state or geographic area?
Elvish, BSN, DNP, RN, NP
4 Articles; 5,259 Posts
I can't know all the ins & outs of your situation, but if you are going to get a degree and you already have a bachelor's in something else, you might as well go for a BSN.
The school where I graduated from offers a 14-month accelerated BSN. I'm not sure exactly how many classes you take at a time because I did the traditional 4yr thing.
There ought to be academic counselors within the schools of nursing that you can talk to if you need to take more time than the allotted months given to complete that degree. Some classes are only offered in a certain semester/quarter. You might want to take that into consideration. I would still encourage you to go for it. Please feel free to PM me if you want/need more info, too!
6 Posts
I just graduated from a 15 month accelerated second degree bachelors program :balloons:. I had a previous bachelors degree in Biology. I will admit that it was very intense as such a large amount of information is crammed into 15 months. We started in 9/06 and went through the summer till 12/07. I managed to work for the first semester but I stopped after that because i found i was limited for time because for each class there was a clinical component that took up most of our time. I must say it was very intense but I am glad I did it because I now have two Bachelor's degrees and it is overwith (Thank GOD!) I am now about to start a job as a graduate nurse until I take my NCLEX. Good luck in whatever you decide to do!!
11 Posts
Hi,I just graduated from a 15 month accelerated second degree bachelors program :balloons:. I had a previous bachelors degree in Biology. I will admit that it was very intense as such a large amount of information is crammed into 15 months. We started in 9/06 and went through the summer till 12/07. I managed to work for the first semester but I stopped after that because i found i was limited for time because for each class there was a clinical component that took up most of our time. I must say it was very intense but I am glad I did it because I now have two Bachelor's degrees and it is overwith (Thank GOD!) I am now about to start a job as a graduate nurse until I take my NCLEX. Good luck in whatever you decide to do!!Kristen
I am in a 16 months nursing program, and I will be graduated (may 2008). I quit my job since January 2007 but now I really need to work. Seriously I do not know how I am going to do it in my last semester. I need some advice. Those of you who have been in an accelarated nursing program and had been able to work at the same time tell me how you did it. Classes start January 7th; email me please. At the same time, I need some tips on how to prepare for my HESI exam since I have to take the first one on January.
Congrats Kristen!
23 Posts
Hi Kirsten ,I am joining Acclerated BSN program in summer 2008 and I am very worried whether I will be able to complete my course. I don't have job because my husband supports me with his income and also babysits my children. I am hardworking and got A 'S in my prerequisite. Can you give me some knowlegde as to how to manage my time and studies or how to organize my studies.
Topic Toss Up
4 Posts
The accelerated I went through was 24months long. We took about 3-5 classes each quarter along with clinicals. Make sure you have good glasses, a good support system, good health insurance and a counselor to go to if you get stress. My school provided free therapists for all students at the University. It saved my life.
These programs vary from school to school. Make sure you investigate the differences. My school just changed it's curriculum. It was very strong in certain areas but very weak in others. Make sure you come out with just as much knowledge and practical skills as any other RN would.
Look at some job descriptions for nurses and make sure the curriculum addresses all the criterion for hiring. I would sugggest working in a doctor's office, clinic, most importantly, something you are interested in while preparing for your entrance test. When you go into school, get immersed in it. If you are in an accelerated program, play nice with others because you will be married to those people for the duration.
Since you have a background in pschology, the therapeautic communications and psych rotation (clinical lasting one term) should come easily to you.
Ta Ta, good luck. Go for the BSN. It seems a little wasteful to get another 4 year degree since you already have one. It's overkill to go to school for 8 years when you can go for a total of 6. And remember that the ADN nurse goes for a (total of 2 years). If you enjoy nursing, you can go on to get your Master's paid for by an employer. There's more years of school to look forward to. Sometimes it's nice just to get the bills paid and get on with life! But always remember to do continuing education lest you become an early relic, has-been RN. Not good for you or your patients.
I'm in a 12 month 2nd degree accelerated program. There are 3 semesters. Each semester is about 17 credits. It's pretty intense and you don't have much of a life. You life and breath nursing 24/7. We actually cram in more clinical time than a basic BSN. You have to finish in the 12 months because your on a schedule and you have to keep up with your group. It's a lot of work but I'm enjoying it. I like that you can get your RN in only a year. Hope this helps. Good Luck. J