Acc program--tell me whats it like for you



I start the OU's accelerated program in May and was wondering what others think about it? I have two little kids and just was wondering what your experience was or is like.

I hear the first semester is really the toughest with time and such..

Thanks everyone

I graduate in May from Ou's accel. program and I couldn't be more relieved. It's tough but doable. Staying organized is key. Also, don't look too far ahead, focus on what needs to be done tomorrow, don't dwell on assignments that are due in a month. You will feel overwhelmed if you do that. The first semester is tough, it seems like they try to filter out students that they don't think will make it. I was almost one of those students but I stuck with it and worked harder to get where I am now. The teachers are really good though, and they want you to succeed, use them as a resource, they are more than willing to help. It will be tough with kids, but there are many women in my class that have children and they did it. They also reccommend not to work. I did because I had to, but I was one of very few. Don't work if you can help it. Congrats on starting in May, I heard the waitlist is really long now. It seems like a year is a long time in the beginning and sometimes you don't feel like May will ever come, but trust me it will go by so fast. Stay focused, stay organized, and keep your priorities straight. You won't have much of a life for the next 12 months, but it will be so worth it in the end!!! Good luck! You can do it!!

Thank you. I just sent you a private message.

I can't send private messages. You can make it through though.. Don't get yourself all worked up yet, I did the same thing. Just enjoy your time now because no you won't really have a life so relax now while you can. Everything will fall into place. You have to be very flexible too. Sometimes we didn't know where we were going to be for clinicals until a couple days before. We were warned though that we needed to be flexible and it was true. It will be a very busy year but it will go by quick. One thing to that you might want to know is that our clinicals were mostly 12 hour days (7-7). I figured you might need to know since you have kids. It will be all worth it in the end!!

I kindof figuared they would be 12 hour clinicals. I think we are moving in with my parents for the year so there is no daycare issue (at least I can hope). I think I would rather the 12 hour ones since the alternative is 3 10's if I remember.

I am tying to relax and I started looking at the medical term and math stuff so hopefully I do not spend a ton of time on that.

They changed the lab not too. No more Saturdays (for now) and one week you practice and the next you do validations. I need to just take it one day at a time, however I am sooo not made that way:-) I am the true type A personality so if I can get through it and be sain I will be happy.

Did you linre of a job yet? I guess with St. Johns it is pretty good that you get hired right then? WHat is your thoughts on that?


How many hours a week did you work? I am hoping to treat this program as a full time job so around 50 hours a week. I hope this is enough? I also wanted to take Sundays off (family day) unless there is a group thing or something. In your opinion is this enough or even realistic?

Thanks! SOOO much!

I worked on Friday nights 7 hours and Saturdays 6 hours and then some Tuesdays ~8 hours. A lot of times I coulod have spent the time while I was working to study though. But it worked out. Yes, all clinicals are 12 hours. And no I do not have a job lined up yet. I was offered one in SC if I decide to move, but I just started applying. I would like to work at St john. If you decide to do their tuition reinbursement thing, I think they kind of have to offer you a job so I think that would be your best bet in securing a job. The job market for nursing is a little different now with the economy. I was told the other day by a nurse recruiter to take whatever I can get. I know there are a lot of jobs out there but I dont think (being a new nurse) that we can be too picky. I wouldn't worry about it now though, you will just stress yourself out more. Just take it one day at a time :)

I am currently beginning my 8 prereqs before the accelerated year, and with three little ones and a type-A personality myself, I've tried to plan my way into sanity. Easier said than done with all the unknowns and what-ifs! I've resolved to take it week by week, doing what I do as best I can, and try to put my jitters to rest with a reminder that I can do this. Good luck!


WOW that is crazy! No wonder why you had no time. I am planning on spending all day Sunday with my kids. I also hope to put them to bed. That is the minimum I can sacrafice. I know I can do it..I hope!

KatyBear--Good luck and you can do it. If I can ( I hope I can)!

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