Academy for Nursing & Health Occupations (ANHO)

U.S.A. Florida


Good afternoon all,

Just wondered if anyone out there has attended ANHO RN Program, in West Palm Beach, FL or do you know anyone who has?

Would you recommend the Program?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance.

Hello, I was wondering if anyone is currently or has gone through the RN program at ANHO? From what I have read they are accredited with ACEN.

Late post. Hello. I'm in the PN at AHNO in west palm and have finished all my courses and passed them all. But I didn't pass the Med Surge stand alone exit test (SAT) I missed it by 1 point. This is my 2nd try with this school so I'm considered an Audit. With me not passing my Med Surge SAT, I cant go on to integration which is the 4th quarter. This school told anouther class mate that because she didn't pass the exit test and still in 3rd quarter, our grades won't reflect on the transcript. So the grades for OB,PEDS,MH,and Med Surge won't be on our transcript.... I dont understand how they could be allowed to do this. Exit exams are not mandatory for taking the PN NCLEX Boards for your PN license. But its mandatory for this school in irder for them to approve you to go on and take the NCLEX Boards. I'm devastated and beyond all hope. I was trying to get my transcripts transferred to a different school that doesnt require such hard exit exams. I'm so sad and defeated and not sure if I can get accepted with just a uncompleted transcript and most rencent audit report card. If anyone else is having this problem please let me know any advise you have. Sorry for the long post.

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