Published Oct 29, 2014
txsky SRNA
73 Posts
May I ask a private question?
This is about my federal financial aid application. My wife and I filed a married-jointed tax report with family income more than 200 thousand dollars last year ( FY 2013). Most of them are her income. She keeps her money and I have no money saved. This is awkward, but I am working hard to support the family too, and I am on the way to get my BSN.
Since our family income is high, I may have no chance to get a federal financial aid. Is this correct? I think I am only able to get a loan, which will have higher interest.
I never applied for federal financial aid before, so I have no experience about it. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
368 Posts
you are correct....there is a good chance you won't qualify for any aide except student loans (we claimed less than that on our taxes all my husband's income because I've been a stay at home mom for the last 8 years and I qualify for no financial aid.) Apply anyway even if you think you won't qualify....although I didn't qualify for federal financial aid my second semester I received school aid (a book scholarship and a small grant) because I had applied for financial aid and made deans list. So maybe your school will offer some assistance...not all do...this isn't offered at my current school. Also apply for to the financial aid dept at your school and see if they have any foundation scholarships or if they can direct you to some good places to apply....
I am interested to see what other suggestions you get