Published Apr 10, 2009
26 Posts
I'm on the wait list for AASU for Fall 2009. If I don't come off the wait list, I'll have to reapply for Spring 2010. It's frustrating because my GPA and NET scores are higher than students I know who were admitted for Fall 2009. According to what I've learned on the student rumor mill, the problem is that the majority of my core hasn't been done at AASU. I already have a 4 yr degree from a different university. By Fall 2009, I will have been at AASU only 3 semesters taking the A & P courses, Micro, HIST 1100. If I have to reapply for Spring 2010, I'm going to have to suck it up and also apply to GSU's nursing program. I just dread the thought of driving all the way to GSU's campus.
27 Posts
Did you get into the program at AASU? I'm doing my A&P right now and fear I may be in the same boat when I go to apply for Fall 2010 since I'm also a post bac student.
iPink, BSN, RN
1,414 Posts
I have a question. Is this nursing program to obtain an ADN? If so, you didn't want to take the Acclerated BSN program route since you already have your Bachelors? Unless there are no BSN programs in your area.
It's not an ADN program, it's BSN. There aren't any accelerated programs in the area. I'm just lucky they've accepted all my core credits and a few pre-reqs. All they asked me to do before I can apply for clinicals is A&P 1and2 and Microorganisms and Disease. Not so bad considering I have my degree in Psychology. After I start clinicals it will be 2 years until I graduate.
I came off the wait list about a month after being put on. Don't get discouraged if you're wait listed or rejected. You never know how things might change. I know of a couple people who applied for Spring 2010 early because they were flat out rejected for Fall 2009 and they were admitted into the Fall program just a couple days before our orientation in August.