A Pre-nursing Student who believes...

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


... that she will NEVER have to clean, feces, vomit, urine, blood, etc.! Here's what happened: So, today I was chatting with one of my fellow pre-nursing students while at school. I do not know this girl very well, in fact it was only the second time we spoke as we have no classes together. Today we strike up a conversation and I got a little bit of a squeamish vibe from her -- so I asked her "Have you given any thought to the fact that you will be cleaning bodily fluids, etc. and how do you feel about that?" She replied with this: "As an RN I will NEVER have to do that! That is what CNAs are for." So, I tried to explain to her that as far as I know and IMO EVERY RN has to do that at one time or another. She refuses to believe this and is convinced that I am wrong. Well, to all the nurses out there -- is there such a thing as a 'bodily fluid free' existence in nursing? I, personally, do NOT believe this and have already prepared myself (as much as one can w/o the actual experience) for having to do such things. Thoughts anyone??

The rude awakening will be when you can't find a job, or if you do, how much the pay will be.

The rude awakening will be when you can't find a job, or if you do, how much the pay will be.

I think you need to re-read my original post. This has nothing to do with me.

I think people are just talking in general at this point... They are not directed at you personally or your original post any longer - its too far back...

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