A potential embarrassing situation


I am starting nursing school in january and this is very hard to talk about. I get erections very easily, like during massage therapy or sometimes when someone touches my abdomen. I am straight and it happens more often when it is a women but has also happened with men. I don't know if you will believe me but I swear there is nothing sexual about it, even thinking about it happening can give me a serious panic attack. I know you have to do examinations on fellow students in school and it just terrifies me that it might happen, at least until I get used to doing it.

I guess my questions are, has this happened to any of you, nurses or current students/do you worry about it happening? Will my fellow students think I am some kind of creep? Could I get expelled from the program? and if it has ever happened to you, tips to keep it from happening, stopping it or hiding it?

Specializes in Mental Health.

Get a dance belt if you’re worried about it. They can hide me through tights I’m sure they can hide Em in scrubs lol

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