Published Mar 18, 2009
18 Posts
I'm a first semester, first year RN student. We lost some students today in our class. It was a very rough day. They were not able to meet the requirements for medication calculations. It was just a wake up call that this is hard to do! Just barely getting by is not enough! Here we are, over halfway through the semester, and I'm hoping that no one else (namely myself) gets the boot! It just feels overwhelming at times. With our most recent test, I studied for hours and hours, and there were still things on our test that I didn't know. I know I wasn't the only one having trouble, because we got our test results back today, and half the class looked like they were close to tears with their results! Is anybody else feeling this way?
I guess the important thing is to keep things in perspective and not let the stress get to you, and just do what you're supposed to do, and double check EVERYTHING, write EVERYTHING down, and listen to EVERYTHING. Also, pray really, really hard!!! How are other people faring, or how did they fare in their first semester? Does it get any easier? Thanks for listening. :)
Idaho Murse
114 Posts
What was the trouble with med calcs? conversions? or just multi step problems? Going from doc orders to actual administrations?
127 Posts
Our pharm teacher told us "There are only 2 calculations you need to know for basically everything." You know what...she was right! I noticed some students freeze when they have to do the testing with the instructor. But where is the problem occuring?
283 Posts
My evening/weekend session has not yet lost any students, but I can tell you that we took an exam last night and the grades were just posted online. You can see your score and the class average....the class average was WAY down compared to other tests, and my own grade was lower too. It's not fun right now. We are all having a little burn out right now.
I think that we all just need to hang in there!! We will make it through!!!
1,051 Posts
I thought first semester was hard, but second semester is even harder. All of the sudden our never clinical teacher expects us to understand what all the patients labs mean, and know all the meds by heart. 1st semester our major care plan was due at the end of the semester, and the first day of second semester they told us it was due in a few weeks. They also threw in a couple of projects just for fun.
So it did get harder for me. The only difference is that at least I kinda already expect it to be hard where first semester was a shocker. We havent lost anyone yet for second semester, but it's still early. It's just too easy to fail.
If you can't pass a skills check off you fail.
If you can't pass clinical you fail out.
If you can't pass lecture you fail.
Even if you pass lecture over all, but fail the final by one point you fail out.
If you pass all the above with an A, but fail the mid Hesi by one point you fail out.
I pray a lot!!!!
28 Posts
First semester is hard. Once you get a routine, second semester starts. Just have faith and be positive. In our school we had a review each semester for dose calc. so we could practice. I don't want to scare you, nursing school is hard but if you want it bad enough you can do it. Good luck we have all been there.
458 Posts
Do you mind sharing the secret your Pharm teacher told you please?
We had 3 chances to pass a med math test at 100%, and if you didn't do it by the 3rd try, you were out of the program. I made it (only by the grace of God) on the first try. 2 out of our class didn't make the third time. I *believe* we will have a test each semester like this. The questions were not that hard, but it was just having to get that 100% passing grade. I understand WHY though- they want us to understand that we can't make any errors in real life. But I know it's hard for some people when they may have forgotten to round, or they might have put a trailing zero in, and they're out of the program.
I feel a little better today. BMXmom, you're right, if you want it bad enough, you can do it! I do want it bad- and I know if I can make it through this semester, I can make it through the rest! :) Good luck to all of you out there!!!
Our instructor said "you can make mistakes, but as long as you correct them before you admin the medication to the patient." That way if we made an error in calculations or what not we could correct them, just as long as it was corrected before the med was administered. Really the best way to learn from mistakes is to make them (hopefull in a safe environment) & learn from them. I think thats why as long as the error was done before hand & corrected we would pass.
The only 2 calculations I seem to use is:
To get mL's needed: (Desired/Have)xQuantity= mL's
To get gtt/min: (Volume x drip rate)/mins (make sure to change hours to minutes) = gtt/min
12 Posts
Are you learning calc's from a text book or strictly from the instructor? If you don't have a text book, I suggest getting "The Nurse, The Math, The Meds" by Joyce M. Mulholland, 2007. We had a major exam the first and second semester, now, we have a question on each exam. No one has failed yet! It's a great book! We were required to get it and practice even before the program began, which was extremely helpful. Good luck with it! Math is not one of my strongest areas, but once you get it down, it's like second nature.
353 Posts
First semester was the hardest for me. Learning how to do care plans. Understanding the material instead of just memorizing it. Critically thinking on the tests, so I can pick the best answer out of four correct answers. This was tough.
Nursing school is still hard, but I don't feel like a fish out of water anymore. I know what to expect, and what's expected of me.