A good definition

Specialties Case Management


I would like to have a good definition of "case manager" or "case management" so I have a very clear understanding of this discipline. I have been a M/S RN since 1981 but have had both my knees replaced and therefore was told no more floor nursing. I am looking for a position where I can utilize my nursing knowledge and experience and case management as it sounds, seems like something I could do. Could someone enlighten me as to exactly what that is. Thanks bunches!;) Annette

there is a small text about nursing case management out there somewhere that had an official definition in it but to me, nursing case management is working with a client in the bio-psycho-social context of their medical care team (doc, specialists, home care, pharmacists, OT, PT, Speech and other allieds) along with the family, the community and any other ancillary personel (school, vocation, transportation, ANY other) to maximize their function in the face of an acute or chronic care illness AND ENHANCE EFFICIENT USE OF MEDICAL RESOURCES.

When you are doing CM, always notice who your boss is. The person that hires you is the most interested in the last phrase, "efficient use of medical resources." They want to reduce or eliminate hospital stays. They want efficient and reasonable use of resources. They want accountability. If you are doing worker's comp CM, they want a critical pathway, where the client is evaluated, treated, rehab'd and either returned to work or moved out of the system in a reasonable amount of time.

CM's need networking skills, they need patient eval skills, they need the ability to see the client as part of a family, community, workforce. Sometimes they need to deliver bad news. "We're not going to fund that idea/request," and sometimes you will agree with it and other times you won't.

No doubt to me that CM is an intensive and challenging advanced practice role.

:) Thanks for the reply, Molly. I also spoke with a CM at a local hospital where I have been doing agency work on a M/S unit as well as Rehab. Between the two of you, I am a lot more clear on case managers now. "Ask and you shall receive" certainly worked for me. Thanks again! ;)

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