
Hello everyone, its been a while since I posted. Monday back at, school the summer was short! I have a question or concern. I took a&p I and II over the summer and ended up with an A. This might sound weird, but with the fall semester around the corner, I feel like I forgot almost everything that I learned. Did anyone else out there feel that way? Can anyone recommend a good book to refresh myself and stay on top of things?

I might be worried for nothing, this new direction is important to me & at my age and I just want to stay on top of things. Thank you for your time, Frank.

Did you save your A&P book? Im going to go thru mine to refresh myself. Its been a long time since A&P 1 in January.

Specializes in None yet! Interested in Pediatrics.

It feels like it, but you didn't forget, I promise! I am getting ready to go back to school & I've noticed that I'm recalling things I learned when I took the medical assistant training about 10+ years ago. I agree w/ Anne36, if you've got your A&P book(s), go through them as a refresher. Also, if you used flashcards to study flip through those, quizzing yourself is a good way to start to recall.

Good luck! We all need it!


I'm the same way! I'm taking A&P part two and on the first day I was really rusty. I flipped through my notes and as I got into the groove of things it slowly came back to me! I do like the book Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies also Cliffs notes makes a quick review. I use them both and it sum's the important parts up perfectly. You can get them at Barnes and Noble:)

You took both in the summer and got an A woah what was your gpa in high school

You took both in the summer and got an A woah what was your gpa in high school

Ha ha, thanks for the reply. I graduated high school 21 years ago. ;)

Thanks for all the replies. I'll follow all your advice.

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