A&P in high school vs. A&P in college...

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm just wondering if there is anyone who's taken A&P in high school, then taken it in college. I had it in high school 7 years ago, and I remember then that everyone was failing but I managed to get a B without really trying at all. I didn't go to the best high school in the world though, so I'm trying to figure out how much harder it's going to be in college (I'm registered for it for this fall.) I know I'm going to have to work hard, and it will undoubtedly be more difficult to some degree, but you know I'm starting to get nervous the way everyone is talking about how insanely hard it is LOL. I'm also registered for abnormal psych, english 2, and college algebra. So I will have alot on my plate :uhoh21:

Yikes! That is a lot on your plate. Best of luck, you can do it if you really apply yourself. :)

I'm also taking A&P this fall, I never took it in High School (except the brief overview in Health class) but from what I hear, the college course is insanely hard. A friend of mine who just got into the Nursing Program said about half her A&P class failed/dropped. :eek: Luckily there's great resources out there; I heard A&P coloring books are a huge savior for the class (you can buy them at any bookstore for $10-20). Just be like me: study your butt off over the summer! Good luck!!

I took A&P in high school, and now I'm taking it four years later in college. A&P in high school is definitely a lot more basic, with less emphasis on the chemical aspects. My class in high school gave me a great foundation in anatomical direction, major bones in the body, and where major organs are. I found that I was able to recall this basic information easily when we went over it in my college A&P, but that it was a lot more detailed and I'm spending a lot more time on it. I recommend what the other poster said, and get a coloring book!

Good luck :).

Thanks for your replies. I already have a coloring book and the Cliff's A&P Review. I've been studying a little bit, refreshing the bits I got from my high school class. In my Chemistry class this past semester, more than half of my class failed or dropped out, and I managed an A (with hard work, of course.) If A&P is on the same level, I feel confident that I can manage, though it will be very stressful.

Thanks for your replies. I already have a coloring book and the Cliff's A&P Review. I've been studying a little bit, refreshing the bits I got from my high school class. In my Chemistry class this past semester, more than half of my class failed or dropped out, and I managed an A (with hard work, of course.) If A&P is on the same level, I feel confident that I can manage, though it will be very stressful.

Bring colored pencils or markers with you, too! If you don't get Powerpoint slides and your teacher draws out a lot of diagrams, colorcoding will become a fast friend of yours. I was gently teased for the first few weeks of my A&P 1 class for bringing 10-15 markers with me to class and using them to color code until my classmates began to catch on that my notes were a lot easier to understand than theirs and that it was making my studying go a lot easier (and consequently making my test scores go up). The next day, they all came to class armed with boxes of markers and colored pencils (I'm not joking).

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