Nursing Abroad...Spain

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:nuke:Hey everyone, I am a student nurse right now and will graduate in December. I am really interested in moving to Spain, or another spanish speaking country when I graduate to practice nursing. I don't really know where to begin to get contacts or what not. Can anybody help me or does anybody know of any people/organizations to get in touch with to help me get started? I thought of doing internships/volunteering, but right out of school I can't afford it. I would need to get some type of job to get me on my feet. Thanks!

this might or might not be helpful - something that I just found by googling - not sure of its date - but I found it interesting to read about nursing in Spain:

this link has listing for the Spanish Nurses Association:

maybe contact some of the hospitals that are listed

Hi bingsley! I know this post is almost one year old, but I was wondering if you made any leads into your nursing adventure in Spain...I used to lived there a few years ago and always think about going back. I'm just at the beginning of my nursing school endeavor now, but have thought about working as a nurse in Spain after I getting my degree. Have you learned anything more about this option?

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