Burning Questions

U.S.A. West Virginia


Specializes in Psych.

Why if there is a SHORTAGE!!! is the pay so low sometimes? why aren't nurse paid a lot more if they are the most respected profession? Why do we do what we do for so little? Why does it take so long to get hired? Why do i get turned down with such a need for nurses? Why does the state pay the lowest in the state? Do I need to go back to school and get a bigger degree? Do I need more experience? Why am I asking all of these questions? Have I too gone mad?:uhoh3:

Specializes in MICU.

This is the first I've heard of someone having trouble finding a job. I graduate in a year and hope I don't run into this situation. What area are you trying to work in that your having so much trouble finding work?

1. Female dominated profession=lower pay

2. False sense of job security =why we do it.

3.Lengthy hiring process=who do you know? No one is in a rush to check references. If they hire you what does it do to the unit budget?

4. Not hired=the manager may see you as "not a good fit for the unit", or too much of a challenge, or does not like your personality, or any other Bulls%$# reason.

5.Higher degree=better administrative opportunities but more cost to obtain, you have to be the judge of how it fits.

6.state's low pay=WV is ranked 48 in the nation for income, need I say more?

7.The biggie=I am sure you would have much more interest in your application, more opportunity to find a good job, better benefits, and more money in another state. So are you willing to move? A smart person told me recently they had to move to be able to make the money they needed, to have better opportunities, and to have a better life. They were close to 40, had kids, relatives, and the whole scenerio that comes with being an adult, so where do you fit into this equation?

8. Of course you are mad, what else is new? Only slightly demented people continue to work in the field of nursing for life. LOL!

As for job opportunities, yes there are plenty out there for the new nurse in most areas, but after awhile, with experience, you are a drain on the facility. Salary is higher than a new grad, benefits like more vacation days put strain on unit to find coverage, entitled to certain federal benefits that can cause a cost to the facility(FMLA), and lastly, after awhile a experienced nurse develops a sort of shield that is not attractive. It has something to do with being treated disrespectfully by one too many people one too many times. No thanks for going above the call of duty, no recognization for being there in bad weather, when sick, when family needs are pressing, or when mental health is on the verge of collaspe. I could say more but lastly, nursing is the hardest job you will ever love but end up in a love hate relationship with the profession. Hope this anwers some of your questions .

Specializes in Psych.

Thank you barefooted one. You understand that i am just ranting out loud. To Yogi i am already working as a psych nurse at the state hospital. I'm just displaying my impatience on trying to find something new. I have all of my eggs in one basket right now. I'm doing o.k. i just want to do better. We don't always get what we want do we? I was contmplating moving to , say... Pittsburgh area but I'm probably to used to here to really do that. I thought maybe I could go there and then transfer back here. Who knows i may have the job and just don't know it yet. will keep fingers crossed.


I could tell you more but I tried to cover the big issues you addressed. I know you are anxious to move on, hopefully with better pay and benefits. I know it is tough to wait out the time until someone says, yes, we want you.

Now, I hesitate to bring this up but what about the Parkersburg/Marietta area? I do know from relative the area is doing better than outsiders realize for jobs. Would a move to that area be too far, too much, too different if you could find a job?

Wheeling/Stubenville is another area. I do not know why I like Ohio rather than Pa. but I do. Guess the drive just seems less complicated. Is Clarksburg/Fairmont out of the question for you?

Can you truly evaluate what is wrong with your present job? Any changes that could be made to make it better? Is there any opportunity for outside work with an agency in your area? Do you just need a vacation? I really wish you the best, I feel so sad at times because I know nurses here are so under-appreciated, under-paid and overworked. Sometimes our only option is to have blind faith, pray, and grit our teeth. Good luck, buddy.:confused: :banghead: :bugeyes: :wink2: :wink2:

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).

I haven't checked it out, but I've heard the pay in Pittsburgh is actually a bit lower--not a lot, but still, it surprises me. That is, in comparison to Ruby. Don't know how Ruby compares to the rest of the state. Geez, maybe I should be checking some of this stuff out.

I've been surprised, too, to learn that some people are having trouble finding jobs. I know some specialties/shifts are harder to get, but I didn't realize just getting a job can be a problem.

I sometimes agree with barefoot--it takes a certain type of dementia to work in this business. Or, rather, I guess I always agree, but sometimes I enjoy the dementia. Difference between "pleasantly confused" and "confused and combative."

Anyway, good luck with the job search. Did you hear that one of the Mars rovers actually did find life? Two West Virginians, looking for work. (That's so old, it was the moon landing, first time I heard it.)

Hey Mike,

I sure thank you for agreeing with me, infact, that has always been one of my hidden goals, to have someone agree that nursing and nurses are demented on some levels. LOL!

Why would you check out someplace else since you seem very satisfied at Ruby?

I saw an ad that said Marietta Memorial was offered all sorts of sign on bonus, but these were a different twist, like gas for a year, a vacation, some other stuff. I also know from someone else that is a nice hospital but difficult to get on there.

Most people I know who work in Charleston at CAMC come to hate the place after a couple of years. Too many chiefs, too little staff, too much politics, too much change and more change for change sake no real basis for some things. Oh no, did I actually say that? Like blaming Dr. Hamrick for winning his suite ?? Sent notifications to staff that raises would be in danger because of the outcome of this suite, of course, the chiefs had nothing to worry about.

I have heard for years and years that Huntington hospitals are the best paying, best places to work, and actually treat the staff decently. My friend worked at every facility in Charleston in 20 years and has been in Huntington for the last 7. She says she wants to kick herself in the rear for wasting those 20 years. She says she will never change again. She works for St. Mary's.

Sorry if my age, politics, and experience is showing on the jaded side. I do what I do for the patients, not for the facility's glory. In fact, the more I work, the more I know that being a good nurse, doing a good job and actually taking care of the patient is more at odds with the facility instead of an expected outcome. Chew on that for awhile and give me some input.

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