Preparing for PLU Nursing School?

U.S.A. Washington


Hello everyone!

I was accepted into the Pacific Lutheran University nursing program, and plan to start September 2014. Can anyone in that program give me any advice about what to expect when I start my first nursing class? If you aren't going to PLU, feel free to give any advice about what skills I should know before my first class (for example, should I be really good at blood pressures, etc.?), what books I should read before nursing school, which topics I should study up on before classes, etc. Anything is helpful!

Thank you so much!

Oh, and yes I lived in Hinderlie my Freshman year and Harstad my sophomore year (in a single room which was AWESOME). Loved both experiences, but then lived in an off-campus house for the remaining two years which was way better for me!

Does anyone have any recommendations for j-term classes? I have a free j-term and can't decide what to take. Thanks for being so helpful!!

Are you able to just take j term off, or do you lose your financial aid for doing that?? If you have to take something I recommend doing a fun PE like yoga or power aerobics!

Hey guys! I have a question about PLU's program! Do you have to have all pre reqs finished before applying or can you be registered when you apply? For instance, the application is due February 1, 2015. I will be in Chem 131 then. Is that okay to still apply?

I ended up making a study group with some friends to go over anatomy during j-term.

You don't have to have all of the pre reqs done, but it does help. I think there is a list of classes that have to be done before applying; you could probably find it on the website. I don't think chem has to be completed, but I'm not positive.

Hi there!! I just received my acceptance letter off the wait list for spring 2015! I have 2 weeks to get everything done 😊😳, any hints? Is there a FB page? I'm so excited to start! 😃

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