Georgetown ABSN Fall 2014

U.S.A. Washington DC


Hi everyone! I didn't see any threads for fall 2014, I submitted my application a few days ago, has anyone else applied?

has anyone heard back about anything..?

No!!! Learning a whole new level if patience during this nursing school application process... :)

Lol its just last year they heard back like a week or two prior. Was getting nervous! Yesh well I'm on spring break so I'll go enjoy myself lol

So glad I found this group! Has anyone heard anything yet? I'm so anxious!

I havent heard anything yet!

Hello all! I also applied for fall ABSN. I haven't heard anything either. I emailed last week to ask when we might hear, but I have not heard back yet. I wonder if they are still planning on doing the campus day for selected applicants, or if they will just sent out decisions end of April. I'm getting pretty anxious as well!

Yes I still havn't heard anything.. but I was accepted into UW's nursing school which was my first choice, I hope all of you hear great news! I'll post if I hear anything.

Hello All! I applied as well and haven't heard anything. The wait is agony but finding this forum has helped. I'm in California and this is the only East Coast school I have applied to. I was nervous about not hearing anything about the information session but I feel a little better knowing I'm not the only one. In the past forums it sounded like people received their decision letters by email... If that's true I guess I don't need to be checking the mail box, but instead keep my inbox open... Really glad there are others in the same boat!

Good to know that notifications will likely come by email, so I can skip the frequent mail box checks! Waiting is hard. I've already heard back from two other schools -- waitlisted at one, accepted at another. I heard they are "on track" to send out notifications by "early April," so that must mean this week, right? Anyways, good luck to you all.

Thanks for that info, @distantmountains. May I ask where you heard that? And do you know if that will be a notification about a campus day, or about actual acceptances?

So grateful for a discussion regarding our cohort. I'll piggyback off of everyone else's comments in that this is literally the most nerve racking waiting process I've ever gone through. I check my inbox constantly as well as call home to see if anything came in the mail. As soon as I receive anything I'll post to the group immediately. Best of luck to all of the applicants in this forum let us know if anything comes up!

Thanks for that info, @distantmountains. May I ask where you heard that? And do you know if that will be a notification about a campus day, or about actual acceptances?

Hi @pmg1990, I emailed Laura Adams at the admissions office a couple weeks ago, and she wrote back with that information about "being on track" to deliver decisions by early April. My understanding is that she was talking about acceptances (at least that's what my question to her meant!!!)

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