VCU Traditional B.S Fall 2018

U.S.A. Virginia


Hey guys!

Starting this forum for everyone who applied to the Traditional B.S program at VCU. I haven't seen any pages on the internet for this so here you go!

Post questions/comments or whatever you'd like!

Hi guys! I'm so glad I finally found a thread for fall 2018! I can't believe we find out tomorrow. It's so nerve-racking but I wish all of you the best.

I've been checking my emails all day just to see if they would send it early lol .. I'm losing my mind over this.

Me too! I wonder when will they send it tomorrow? Like at 12 tonight or in the morning? So many questions!! lol

Lol I heard that they send the email at like 8am ish in the morning.

You guys! I'm so nervous! I've told everyone that i've applied so I have a lot of pressure to get in:cry:

yeah same here ..

I am also applying to Reynolds Community College as a plan B but if I don't get accepted into neither than John Tyler and Bon Secours will be next on the list.

Does anyone know on average how many people apply??

Anywhere from 300-500 applicants and they only accept about 60.

That's a really good personal statement! I agree with that article there is soon to be a huge decline so many spots that need to be filled but it's so hard to get accepted into a nursing school.

Has anyone gotten an email? I am so nervous. We're suppose to find out today!!

I haven't gotten anything yet í ½í¸”í ½í¸”

I couldn't sleep last night I'm so nervous lol.

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