medical careers institute

U.S.A. Virginia


hello, i am an aspiring nursing student in virginia beach. Im 22 years old and TIRED of waiting to get into a nursing program. I have been waitlisted at TCC and from what I understand Sentara is also waitlisting a lot of their applicants from lack of staff to teach the program/other factors. Anyways, Im looking into other options and medical careers institute is one of them. It has always been my goal to be an RN, so is anyone in their RN program? If not, how about the LPN program. Are either of them any good? And can someone give me an honest answer about how much it actually costs for each? Im hearing around $20,000 . I also heard from a coworker that their RN program was discredited, but I cant find anything about it on the web. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP WITH ANY INFO, its greatly appreciated. I want the good, the bad and the ugly!


Hey Ladies,

It has been a while. I was wondering how it is going at MCI? Any news on how their RN program is going. Hope all is going well for you, would love to hear from you when time permits.......

Everything is going well with classes right now. Thanks so much for asking!We're getting ready to finish up another term so it's nice to know we're another step closer to finishing, but at the same time, that's when it gets hectic!!!

I have not heard anything else about the RN program lately. They're actually on a different floor than we are. The first evening program I think graduates in June. If I hear anything new, I will be sure to let anyone who is interested know.

Are you taking classes from medical Careers???? I couldn't remember right off the top of my head if you were....

Hope you had a nice holiday!!!

Hey everyone Im doing well at MCI so far, I cant wait to switch to the day program in March. I just finished my first mod, our finals are on Monday night and then I start PN2 and Pharmacology next wednesday. Im happy with what Im doing so far and excited to move on, although I do find that we kind of drag on throughout the night. I wish we would just do whatever work we need to do and then get out of there, rather than take a dinner break and whatnot. But other than that, Im having a lot of fun :) ! Good luck to everyone else!


I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you..I didn't realize that you had decided to go ahead and take the classes from MCI. I thought you were looking into other programs. Our final exam for this mod is on Monday as well. I guess I know what we will be doing this weekend-studying!! I have to agree with you, sometimes our classes drag on at night. It makes for a long evening. We only get 10-15 min breaks each hour so that's not even enough time to really heat up dinner and eat it!

Good luck on Monday night-I hope you do well!!!:p


Hi Guys,

It was great to hear from you. I am so glad you are doing well. LPN is going to be a great stepping stone for you, as it has been for me. I am at Norfolk State and it is truly the pitts. Finals are this week.....Ladies, I am really, really considering MCI. I am so disappointed with NSU, the instruction is so poor, no wonder their passing rates are soooo low. I am really feeling discouraged.....

That is great that the first class will be going through in June, I am interested to see how they do on the boards. I actually emailed someone at MCI today, I think I will go have a sit down with admissions to weigh my options. 15 months for completion is really tempting...but I hear is really hard. But aren't they all.....

Post when time permits.......

Take care.....

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