Anyone attending VTC this fall (PN program)?

U.S.A. Vermont


Hi...I'd just like to get in touch with anyone who has gone through the program or who is going to go this fall...I've just accepted for the Newport site and am really looking forward to it!

I started checking efollet yesterday morning and still nothing :(

Hey dalgal, I emailed the bookstore today and they said online ordering wont be available until the 24th...grrrr. I just want to know what books I need really. I emailed them again with my schedule to see if they would tell me the titles and I got the same reply as the first so I think it is an automatic reply. Guess I'll just have to wait or give them a call. :confused: How are you doing with everything? The only things I have left to do is get a lab coat, books, and send my Id picture. oh, and i get my 2nd hep b shot next week. Which site are you attending again? Newport was it?

Specializes in Correctional Nursing.

Hi Dynas, yep, I'll be in Newport... I don't have the uniforms or Stethoscope yet, which one did you go with? My neighbor just finished the PN program and MAY let me buy her books, but I want to see if they are the exact ones we are required to have or not first... I already had the HEP series last year but need to have my physical still...I'm such a procrastinator!

Hey again :) I got the littmann lightweight II. I ordered it from I pretty much just looked on these forums to see what people recommended. The tubing on it is so much nicer than on the cheaper ones. So I looked up Newport, WOW you are waaaay up there! Almost in another country, literally! lol Do you like it? how are your winters? I currently live in NY, but I think somewhere down the line I might want to move to VT, especially if I want to stay in the VT college system. Out of state tuition is going to kill me. :)

Hey Everyone!

I am going to be attending the PN program in Randolph in the fall. I live in Burlington, about an hour away, so it is going to be a little bit of a commute but I hope I can find some people to car pool with! I am really excited to begin the nursing adventure! I've wanted to be a NP my whole life but decided to go with psychology in college instead. Now after getting a four year degree at UVM I am off to nursing school!

I also was confused about why I couldn't order my books, hmm

Also, are any of you thinking about renting books? Seems like an interesting possibility.

I got my scrubs, stethoscope, lab coat, and white danskos, but have to get a watch! I wonder what is going to be in our "nurses kit."

I would love to talk more with people going into the PN program!

Hi chelsea :) congrats on getting into the program! I'm really excited too, cant wait to start. I still need to get a watch as well, and a lab coat. I'm a little irked that we cant order our books, or even see what books we need, until the 24th. I even called the bookstore to see if they could tell me the titles of the books I will need.... nope. hmmm, a little weird. oh well the 24th will be here soon enough :)

Hey everyone! I'm Krystal and I'll be in the PN program at the Randolph campus at the end of the month. I live in Randolph so I won't have far to drive outside of clinicals in Berlin. I just got done working at Gifford Medical Center this past month so I'm really looking forward to clinicals there since I'll know much of the staff.

So far I've bought everything except for the books. I've been trying to get ahold of financial aid to figure out how to charge them to my account because I just can't afford them after having purchased all the other required items.

I've met a few girls through my CPR and Anatomy courses that will be at the Randolph campus, but I don't know them well at all so I'm a bit nervous. Anyways, I hope to learn of a few more of my future classmates. Enjoy the last few weeks of freedom! :)

Hi Krystal! Congrats on getting in to the program! I will be going to the Bennington site. I'm really excited and cant wait to start. I'm not looking forward to the drive up to randolph for orientation though, ugh.. it'll be about three hours from where I live. What time do you plan on getting there? It seems like the only thing we have to be there for before noon is the required computer training. (whatever that is :) )

So have you received a schedule for orientation day? I haven't yet aside from the initial acceptance packet that said I'd receive the schedule "at a later date". Hmm maybe I should call them.

You can view it on blackboard.

scratch that, i miss-read your post, to see the schedule for orientation day get on vtc's website and search for "orientation", click on randolph center new student orientation, then over to the right under "events" click on full story ( below all the farmers market links) then click the link to view the brochure.

Specializes in Correctional Nursing.

Hi...just received my schedule for the orientation today...It looks pretty loosely organized except for a couple of PN only sessions. See everyone there!

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