Studying for the TEAS test?(math portion)

Nursing Students TEAS


I'm bad at math and I'm worried that I won't pass the Exam because of that. What are some helpful ways to study for the math portion of the TEAS test besides buying a practice exam book.

For me the most useful tool was definitely the TEAS practice exam book from ATI, everything covered in the book was all that you needed for the test. Additionally, I just looked up practice problems online after going through the book.

Basically what Wanina93 said. The TEAS book will give you similar problems you'll see on the actual TEAS test. If you run into a problem you don't know how to work, then you know what you need to work on for the test.

The book is worth the investment. I studied the book and learned how to work each math problem they had and I only missed one math question on the TEAS.

Get the ATI testing manual and then look up "Keshwani Prep" on Youtube. He teaches the entire math section of the manual page by page and gives you tricks to better understand everything. Not to mention he's very funny! I hate math and the math section of the TEAS exam ended up being my highest score, which I think is because of his videos. Good luck!

If you take the online ATI practice tests they give you a breakdown of which questions you got wrong and what area of math you need to revise. I.e reasoning or percentages. You can then look up extra questions online. Khan Academy has great videos and practice questions.

Hi, I am studying for the teas v test also. I have 7 weeks to study for it after a few years ago since I have taken it. I want to get at least a 80% or above and I been out of school since 10 years ago and haven't taken a math class since 2008. I have to brush up on it. I am using the above sites to help me along with khan academy to help me. Wish you the best!!

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