U of M flint CRNA interview,Need heads up

Nursing Students SRNA



I am scheduled for an interview for U of M flint, Michigan. Does anyone have any information of the content of the interview. I have worked in SICU for 3 years, CCU for 3 years. Would brushing up on vasoactive drugs and their affects to pre-load,afterload etc. be helpful. I have not worked in Post open heart, but have a good working knowlege of SG catheters and normal values. Is this important? This is the first time I have applied and my first interview, would like an idea of what to expect. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

When is your interview, what other schools did you apply to if any?

I will be applying to U of M flint as well so if you could please let me know what kind of questions your asked. Best of luck!

Thank you and I will gladly pass on any info. I have only applied at U of M so far. I took A&P again and had to take Stats, did not finish up until December. I plan to apply for Wayne, Oakland and reapply to U of M for Fall of 2008, if I have to. Of course, would prefer not to HAVE to do that.

I had my interview at University of Michigan Flint this week. When I arrived they had me take a multiple choice test approx 30- 40 questions. Some questions were Which drug to use or not use in certain situation, 5 ABG interpretations, normal values of cvp, pa, pawp, ra and waveforms that correlate ( the values were fill in the blank). 2 short answer questions involving increased icp and tx; and a short essay about what 3 main issues students face and what had I done to prepare for them. After this I had a panel interview, asking the typical Why CRNA, why U of M, what are my plans if I dont get in, my strengths and weaknesses. There was also time in OR where you sit in on a case for 20-30 minutes and a CRNA asks you some questions and evaluate your responses. They write them down and tell their impression on a scale of 1-10 if they think you should be invited to be a student. I felt pretty relaxed. It was nowhere near as nerve racking as I thought. From what I have heard students usually find out in about 7 to 10 by phone call from the program directer if they have been accepted. I learned you must send in $1000 with letter of acceptance to hold your position. I also learned they usually admit 16-19 students depending on the current pool of applicants.

Now the nerve racking wait period begins. God bless to all and let me know if you have questions.

Specializes in ICU, Geri, Education.

Good luck to all of you. Please keep us posted.

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