CRNA Salaries. Have They Gone Down?

Nursing Students SRNA



Have CRNA salaries gone down? I do know they vary by different areas and regions of the US, but after looking into it, its seems like overall they have too a significant drop?

What can one expect starting out as a CRNA? And as your expierience increases could someone possibly provide a break down chart, and let me know typically what does a CRNA max out at?

Thanks for all your help!:eek:

crna salaries have not gone down. they will most likely stay where they are rather than go up or down. crnas are very well trained and assume a huge responsibility. they have pt's lives in their hands on a daily basis. the crna is in the or from start to finish with varying amounts of assistance from a mda. this is not the job to get into just for the money. the training is real intense and should be. don't compare a crnas salary to mds like i see too often. the crna started the field of anesthesia and are very well qualified to practice independent, so should be well compensated.

Specializes in ICU.

Great. I hope CRNAs do become educated at the doctoral level. That'll just be more applicants turned away, more respect and skill within the field, and less competition for me.


wanting to be a CRNA and becoming a CRNA are two very different things.

I don't think the salaries have been too effected at this point. But don't forget supply and demand. When half of my nursing patho class are wanting to be CRNAs even if 1/3 of them go for it you know at some point there will be a saturation of them across many parts of the country.
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