CRNA Admission Interview

Nursing Students SRNA


Does anyone know what type of questions have been asked in interviews for admission to school. I have never had a problem in the past, but i am just wondering what type of things have been asked in the past.

I had the opportunity to sit in on a few interviews this year with TCU. I am certain that all the interview panels were made up of 2 or 3 members at the most. None had 4. I also see in another thread where you are IN the program at FIU. If so, why would you have interviewed with any other program? In today's academic arena, it is no secret that most applicants interview at a number of different programs. I asked about the "where else did you interview" question and was told that it was to get a feel for the applicant's research into the profession and to see how flexible and mobile a candidate might be with regards to clinical placement. Overall, the handful of candidates who interviewed with my panel seemed to enjoy the experience and presented themselves in a very professional and positive way.

I am from Texas and have a house in Texas. That is why I interviewed at TCU. Little did I know that they just ship you off anyway. FIU is great and I have in-state tuition here, so it's beeter than forking out all that money to TCU. Everything happens for a reason.

I have 6 years Level III experience with half a year in the children's ER. Don't worry. They'll ask you NICU questions and you will be fine. Good Luck

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