Complete 1 yr ICU req. in the first year of CRNA Schoo?l

Nursing Students SRNA


I was talking to a ER nurse today who mentioned that a buddy of his applied to a CRNA school right after completing his BSN, got accepted and did his 1 year in the ICU while in the first year of CRNA school.

He couldn't remember the name of the school but said that it is in Pennsylvania.

Do you know of this or similar CRNA program?

I'm way off from CRNA, but because I have only 1 university to apply to (without moving my family), I am trying to do the best of the best until I apply. So far so good, but as I try to get my foot in the door of a hospital when I obtain my RN, is there a huge difference between ICUs as far as the facility itself. Am I going to get way more out of a level II trauma facility (closest I can get to trauma I locally) or am I going to get the same experience at a VA hospital? I have no experience whatsoever, so excuse my naivety, but I want the best, and I mean the best, experience I can get before applying for CRNA (I'm years out), but as soon as I complete RN, I'm applying for/going into ICU, and I am keeping my GPA as perfect as it can get, so then I need the best clinical experience I can get. Is ICU ICU, or is a level II trauma center ICU going to have more opportunities than a VA hospital ICU?

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