Any tips for UNE organic chem final?

Nursing Students SRNA


I'm hoping someone here has some advice they might be able to share with me. I'm planning on applying to school in the fall. Unfortunately, my sciences are now over 10 years old so I decided to do UNE's online organic chemistry class. I've never had much trouble with chemistry before so I thought it would be fine. I was wrong. I am having such a difficult time in this course. I feel like it's too abstract for my brain (I do much better when I'm able to visualize). At the rate I am going, I'll end up with a C in the course. I've been doing well on the labs, but averaging Cs on the quizzes. I only have 4 more weeks to go, and I know the final counts for most of the grade. I feel like a lot of the quiz questions are coming out of left field. I can't find the answers in the book or in his lecture. The prof has been very helpful when I've emailed him after the quizzes, but that's obviously a little too late. I really want to try to pull my grade up on the final. I would be so grateful to anyone who took this course who can give me some tips. Thank you so much.

I found a great tutor that tutor me through skype. Her name is Janci Despain and her company is called Bright Idea tutoring. Let me tell you guys, there was no way I would have done well without her. She has a heart of a teacher. Not only did you understand why the answer was right, you understood why it couldn't be the other answers. If you want her number just google Bright Idea tutoring. She is really great and she has dealt with the UNE org chem class before (even before me). I highly recommend her.

Just wondering how everyone else did with this class? It seems really hard so far and the quiz questions unneccessarily tricky. I'm so frustrated at having to google answers because they are not well explained in lectures and the book. Any advice???

I am currently in this class and I am struggling really bad. Any suggestion?

What module are you on? PM me and I may be able to help.

BxRN0808, I just finished chapter 6 and made a 60 on the quiz. I am very upset and starting to panick because I desperately need this class for PA school that starts in Jan.

I can not figure out how to PM you. I am new to this forum.

I agree, I am very tired of googling and stilllll not understanding the material.

Ok I will pm you.

I am also currently in this class and majorly struggling. Anyone have any ideas on how to study for the final? I have emailed the professor and he hasn't been very helpful at all.

I took both organic I and II from UNE just last year (finished II in November). Within 2 weeks of taking the organic I final, they changed the whole test because one of my fellow "classmates" kept talking about exchanging quiz answers to compile a database of questions- DO NOT GET suckered into this! The final, for me at least, was nothing like most of the quiz questions were, definitely not identical enough to count on them to help you pass.

I ended up with a C in the course, and honestly, was happy with it~ if you do have to take organic II, it was a different instructor and I scored an A-.

Good luck and FYI- I am starting a CRNA program in 4 weeks, so a C shouldn't keep you out.

Take care!

UNE is very difficult and takes a lot of time. I heard Khan academy is a good secondary source.

I'm currently in UNE's organic chem 1 online class. It has been nothing but a nightmare. Its the prerequisite to a class I need in the fall and I'm running out of time to finish this course. I currently have a few more chapters to read, and then the daunting final that I have been fearing most. I really need to pass this class, otherwise my entire fall semester courses will change and I will be forced to graduate a whole year late! I feel like I understand the material as I am reading the chapters, and then I go to take the quiz and am completely lost. I was banking on the idea of a "curve" ... well I had a friend I met through this class. She took the final, and the curve only added five points to her grade and she failed the course. From people who have taken this class and the final, how do I study? How can I ensure that I pass? I am completely freaking out. I can't believe I paid close to $1,500 for a class I may end up failing. At this point, I would be happy with a C. Tips? Advice? HELP!!

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