Am I Too Old To Become a CRNA

Nursing Students SRNA


Hi Everyone,

I am a newbie, and would like to share my situation and ask a question. Thank you in advance for your help. I am a Clinical Analyst in the IT healthcare field at age 39. I am considering a career change from IT to CRNA and wonder If I am too old. I am married (no kids) my wife and I are the same age and she is a ICU-RN and is supportive of the change if I should decide to go for it. I have done some investigation and know that I have to complete some pre-reqs. I have a BS in Computer Science and (believe it or not) have worked in the OR fixing computer issues during surgery in the main OR and Ambulatory surgeries as well. I always liked going in the OR because I like watching the surgeries. I done some research and this is what I came up with:

1 year: Pre-reqs (Chem, Microbio, A+P 1 and 2, Psych)

1 year: Accelerated BSN or 2 year Cert RN then BSN

2 years ICU experience minimum. And any pre-reqs for CRNA if needed.

2 years CRNA school.

I should be 46 or 47 be the time I am done. By the way, while I am going to nursing school I would become a student nurse to get my feet wet in an ICU unit if possible.

Even though the US reports say that computers in the healthcare industry is hot, it's really not. In computers they want someone with years of experience, specific criteria and you always have to learn some new software without getting full knowledge of the previous software or project you just finished. Lots of meetings, keyboard punching and fast multiple projects, Analytical and critical thinking is a must. I know that CRNA to some people in the RN field can be boring. But I think it is interesting because each patient is different and you don't know what's going to happen with the next patient, but you hope for the best in all surgeries. It requires fast critical thinking and action when trouble arises and at the same time the situation must be handled in a calm and confident matter. And at least you will become an expert as a CRNA. Most jobs are stressful and CRNA definitely fits the bill. I actually shadowed a CRNA for the whole day and observed 2 surgeries. I asked questions and I even talked with the OR-Nurse to get an understanding of what they do as well. As added benefit CRNA are compensated very well. So I'm just wondering if it is too late for me to change my career at age 39.

Has anyone started a change in their careers to CRNA at my age or older? Thanks again for your help.

I am 44 and in my 2nd year of applying to CRNA schools. I have wanted to become a CRNA since I graduated from nursing in 97' and for many reasons "life" kept getting in the way and now that I am finally getting the chance. I too have felt "too old", however, not ready to give up my dream! Stick to your guns and don't give up. At 47 you can continue to work at a job you don't want or like for the next 20 years or one that you will most likely love! I have a son who is 7 and a very supportive husband they will be my biggest sacrifice. But in the end it will all be worth the work!

Imscray, what an EXCELLENT breakdown of what to expect! I was enrolled as student at a very respected, rigorous, intensive nurse anesthesia program in California. Because of unforeseen life circumstances, I had to withdraw. It was extremely disheartening and depressing to withdraw, but after much trepidation and hesitation, I withdrew.

Fortunately, the door is still open for me to possibly go back and I will definitely go back. I will be going back at 49, but I will be 49 and a SRNA, or 49 as an Assistant Nurse Manager and unhappy. It is an EXTREMELY ROUGH and EMOTIONALLY and PHTSICALLY draining journey, but I truly believe worth the ride. Congratulations to you on your endeavor and to everyone who embarks upon this emotional roller coaster of a journey. Follow your dreams, no matter how hard the course is. The tougher the course, the more you will enjoy and relish your victory!

I don't think you are ever to old to achieve something you want. Life is too short I'm about to turn 31 and I'm applying this year. Sometimes it gives me some anxiety because I know most people are in their mid 20's when attending with no kids or spouse. I have a 6 year old and a new husband but I know I will regret it if I don't go for it.

I have been pondering about becoming a CRNA for the last 8 years. I’m 45 years old, with 2 bulging discs which are the 2 reasons that I believe that I wouldn’t survive the program or the field. I’m coming to this page for some positive vibes, because my heart is truly tugging towards this profession. I was a medical assistant for 16 years prior to earning my BSN in nursing in 2014. Pediatrics has always been my focus, until I did a year with home health and fell in love with caring for my cardiac patients. Now I’m working as a cardiac telemetry nurse and thinking about transferring to the ICU to get my 1 year experience needed to apply to CRNA programs.

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