Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) FNP program...any info to share?

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Hello! I have been accepted into the MTSU FNP program with my classes beginning this Summer. For Summer, 2012 I am taking Advanced Patho/Health Assessment/Pharmacology.

Does anyone have ANY experience with this program or information? Since its online, I know NO ONE and would really appreciate any information that can be shared.

Thank you!

Hi Nomadrn2013, how do you like MTSU's FNP program so far?

Glad you started. You are one semester closer to finishing =)

Thanks so much for the response.
Specializes in ICU, Med-Surg, Post-op, Same-Day Surgery.

Does anyone have any updated input on this program? They have recently transitioned OUT of the RODP/TN eCampuse affiliation and have a stand-alone online MSN now. I have applied for Spring 2018, and would love any RECENT feedback about the experience!

I'm specifically wondering about:

-Time commitment per class for online platform at MTSU

-Testing - proctored or not, open book?,

-Is there a Facebook group or other online group where students can connect?

I will be applying for spring 2018 also. I have the same questions

Specializes in ICU, Med-Surg, Post-op, Same-Day Surgery.

Bettiern I'm going to send you a pm so we can connect!!

Are you aware of any fb groups for this program?

No, I decide to probably go to Maryville

I am a current MTSU student and the change from ecampus happened this summer, so the effects will take place as we start fall classes in a couple of weeks- to be honest, I'm not sure how they are really going to impact our program.

I will try to answer your questions...

1) time commitment is as much or as little as you can put in. I say that because it isn't difficult to pass the classes, however I don't feel like just the information presented is enough for our education. I went part time (1-2 8 hr shifts a week) so that I could put in more time learning. I have been taking a full time course load. The "fluff" courses don't take much time (roles, theory, etc.) just jump through hoops to answer discussion posts and write a few papers. The main courses (pharm, patho, assessment) require much more time. I would say I spent 10-15 hours a week on each of those. I haven't taken clinical classes yet tho- not sure what to expect.

2) testing so far has not been proctored. They are not supposed to be open book but I know that happens. Tests are timed song you don't know your stuff already you won't have time to look stuff up.

3) I think there are Facebook groups- not on FB so I dunno what kind of support they offer.

Overal, I recommend th program. I have definitely done my own research and supplemented my education by reading things not assigned because in my opinion, it's necessary as an online student. Be sure you have preceptors already lined up though!

Purchase a review bundle like an old Hollier CD to help focus you throughout the program also.

Finally, connect with a student from your class and exchange numbers. That was one thing that has been immensely helpful. Navigating online programs is difficult!

Go for it! If you put in what you want out then I think it's a great program!

well that was a lot of typo's, was using my phone. Oops! And let me clarify, I went part time at work so that I could go full time in the program. All in all, the first 2 semesters I spent 2 days a week at work and 3 8 hour days "going" to school. That way I still had enough time for my little one and hubs in the evenings and weekends. I actually feel like I still have a life, so in that aspect, it is very doable. The biggest drawback I think is the online assessment class. You get no exposure to real patient presentations/abnormals/pelvics/skills etc. And because it's online, I have that constant feeling of wondering if I'm learning enough but that's probably normal across programs. Anyway, there is the feedback! Happy to answer more questions and would love to hear from others who are farther along in the program!

Specializes in ICU, Med-Surg, Post-op, Same-Day Surgery.

Thank you SO much for responding! This program is surprisingly difficult to find information on! I've not been able to get any feedback from current students, nor find a social media group.

I have a few more questions, if you'd be willing to indulge. ;-) I will post them here so others can see the responses (if you will indulge us), but if it's ok I'd like to PM you and see if we might connect!

-Are you a TN resident? If so, where are you located? :-) (I'm in Bartlett)

-Are you in the completely online program?

-Did you apply to other schools? I applied to the University of South Alabama as well, mostly because the tuition rate is low, it's a (mostly) online program, and it has good reviews.

-When you said you're "full-time" is that 6 or 9 credit hours per semester (2 or 3 classes)?

-Group projects?

-Tuition: If you're an in-state student can you verify the tuition rate for the online MSN? I've gotten 3 different quotes, ranging from $533 to $7XX (see most recent quote from the MSN advisor). If you could confirm that I'd super appreciate it!! :-)

"Here is the chart we need to look at for Graduate Instate total, shows $533/per credit hour, http://mtsu.edu/tuition/forms/17-18_Graduate.pdf

Then the breakdown of fees can be found on What Does it Cost? | Middle Tennessee State University

1. Click on Miscellaneous Course fees for Distance Education fee, $30.00 per credit hours

2. Click on Specialized Course fees, Nursing fees of $55/per credit hour.

If you take 6 credit hours for fall your cost would be: $3,708.- not including textbooks"

Facebook: I realize you're not on FB, but it's still a great platform for networking. I've gone ahead and created a group for MTSU MSN students (mainly FNP, but anyone can join). It's called "MTSU MSN/FNP Students (Middle Tennessee State University Nurse Practitioner". If you'd be willing to share the FB link/name with any current students, that would be awesome. I realize it's a small program, so networking is super important. :-)

Here's the link for inquiring minds: Log into Facebook | Facebook


Sorry it's been so long since you asked those questions, I don't check often. I'll still respond, though. Yes, I'm a TN resident...East TN. I am doing the program completely online. I didn't apply elsewhere. If I had waited a little longer I probably would have, but I wanted to start as soon as possible so I didn't have to keep putting other areas of life on hold :) For me, full time has been 3 classes per semester (or more, if you count clinical as separate classes). Group projects are minimal. I have had maybe 2 group projects total. As for Tuition, I believe it is closer to the $5xx rate. And yep, I'll share the FB link with friends in the program! Finding preceptors has got to be THE MOST stressful part of the whole program, so be very cautious and plan VERY early!

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