CCRI's Day Program in Lincoln for Spring 2014 - Anyone else apply?

U.S.A. Rhode Island


I just started the waiting game. If anyone knows when applicants will be notified of acceptance, please share the info. Best of luck to all who applied! :)

Congratulations to all those I missed! Can't wait to meet everyone :)

I did my bci right after I was able to come down a little from my excitement lol

- Congratulations to all of you who got in! For those of you who didn't, don't give up! I spent this summer re-taking any of the classes I had a "B" in! It was very stressful & at times, I felt hopeless because I felt like I was already a great student, but never good enough! When I received my acceptance letter for Spring '14, I cried! I'm still so nervous about everything, just wondering what the next step will be?! Thank you all for your help & I look forward to meeting all of my Newport classmates this spring!

Just as mellymcbelly said..To those who didn't get in, Never give up! Its our trials that makes and give us strength of character. I faced many challenges over the last year in my personal life and at times didn't even picture myself here. Never give up on your dreams. .ever and let any no push you that much more to go forward!

why would they pull an eval after you received a denied letter. I had an eval pull yesterday.? anyone

Ell25 it could be because those accepted need to have a BCI check done if anything comes back they send out more acceptance letters

They pulled mine and I was accepted maybe just a glitch :/?

What is everyone doing in preparation of starting?

Apply for financial aid :)

Does anyone know if we're supposed to get an official acceptance letter once they receive our background check? My check is complete but I haven't heard from CCRI.

Also, I've been looking into purchasing a stethoscope. Do we need to buy a specific type? I found a littman with great reviews and I wanted to purchase it in purple but I wasn't sure if it had to be a certain color/brand.

- Once our background check comes in, we don't have to forward the results or anything to CCRI, right? I would think that the college would just use the codes they assigned us, in order to see our results?

- I don't know when we'll receive our "acceptance" letters?! Don't we have to do vaccinations to be to meet the criteria, in order to receive an acceptance letter or orientation invitation?

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