Your Family?

Specialties Psychiatric


As psychiatric nurses we are trained to deal with violent, disruptive etc. behaviours and we can have an understanding and empathy as to why a person may show such behaviours. Sometimes with the job we can be in the aim of fire and become injured etc. I am due to start on a new very challenging behavioural ward, dementia, huntington's, korsakoff's, suicidal and homicidal. I will be working with people who have failed and been turned away from other placements due to their behaviours. Personally I am looking forward to the challenge and have just completed an induction week which included TMV.

I personally feel I cannot tell my family about the ward I am working on. As none of them are nurses or work in health care they don't have the same perception as I do. I don't want them to worry or feel I shouldn't be working there. I have told my boyfriend about a few things that have happened in the past one where I had to go to A&E and he doesn't take it well, I don't tell my mother at all. Nothing serious has ever happened to me.

What do you guys think? Do you share stories? How do others react?

Specializes in Mental Health.

Meh sounds like your family is too sensitive but it is your choice to share what you want.

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