What is the best Study Guide/Materials for the HESI A2 Exam?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm taking this exam soon and I want to know the ABSOLUTE BEST study guide for preppin' me with this exam. I've read a lot about the HESI A2 secrets being garbage. Any suggestions?

Can someone tell me what the best study guide for taking the hesi test?

Greetings all!

My wife will be taking the A2 soon and I would greatly appreciate any study guides, pdf's, or other helpful material that you wouldn't mind passing along. My email is my name here at comcast dot net.

Thanks so much and good journey :)


Just curious if anyone got the pdf for the hesi book?> id really like some help if anyone can offer any help.

I bought the Hesi a2 secrets at www.us.ebid.net for a really good price if you need it.It has some really great online stuff also they provide the link.

i got it on amazon for kindle, now if you dont have a kindle dont worry cuz i dont you can get it on ipod, blackberry, android or your iphone or laptop, it 10 bucks in pdf like format as opposed to 40 bucks and its very portable u can study anywhere


This is the book that I used. I got a 98 on the test. We took the reading, grammar, math, and Anatomy sections.

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