Surviving A&P 2 in the Summer

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Good Day All,

What resources did anyone used for A&P 2 in a 6 week session? I want to get an A in a A&P 2 like I did in A&P 1.


Since there has not been tons of time for me to read the chapters I read the chapter summary, and then search you tube videos. I always try to have a general idea of what the professor will teach before I go to class so I don't waste time. Since there is a test a week and I work full time this is the best method I have found.

Since there has not been tons of time for me to read the chapters I read the chapter summary and then search you tube videos. I always try to have a general idea of what the professor will teach before I go to class so I don't waste time. Since there is a test a week and I work full time this is the best method I have found.[/quote']

Thank you!! :)

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Just cry a lot and get through it. Just kidding, but it does feel like that sometimes! From what I have seen from people who aren't doing so well - you HAVE to be able to put in the time required for studying. All I hear every class are excuses as to why they don't have time to study. So if you work too much, or have too many kids, your cat catches fire, or have to pick up your best friend from the airport, maybe rethink taking it in the summer, haha.

Also, try to use your lab time wisely. Most people in mine leave an hour or more early and then act all surprised when they fail the mock practical. Don't leave early unless you absolutely must! If you've finished your activities for that day, use that time to study slides, models, etc.

Anyway, sorry, tangent. I have an A so far, and I study every day. YouTube vids have been a great help, as well as taking excellent notes and constantly reviewing those. I also do a lot of practice quizzes to identify areas that need more study. I record my lectures to refer back to. Drawing pictures and diagrams in my notes have helped tremendously for learning some of the more complicated or multi-step mechanisms. Also, make a chart for all the hormones in endocrine. It's a lifesaver.

Good luck!! Feel free to keep asking questions or just get some support! I know how stressful this class is in summer. :)

Just cry a lot and get through it. Just kidding, but it does feel like that sometimes! From what I have seen from people who aren't doing so well - you HAVE to be able to put in the time required for studying. All I hear every class are excuses as to why they don't have time to study. So if you work too much, or have too many kids, your cat catches fire, or have to pick up your best friend from the airport, maybe rethink taking it in the summer, haha.

Also, try to use your lab time wisely. Most people in mine leave an hour or more early and then act all surprised when they fail the mock practical. Don't leave early unless you absolutely must! If you've finished your activities for that day, use that time to study slides, models, etc.

Anyway, sorry, tangent. I have an A so far, and I study every day. YouTube vids have been a great help, as well as taking excellent notes and constantly reviewing those. I also do a lot of practice quizzes to identify areas that need more study. I record my lectures to refer back to. Drawing pictures and diagrams in my notes have helped tremendously for learning some of the more complicated or multi-step mechanisms. Also, make a chart for all the hormones in endocrine. It's a lifesaver.

Good luck!! Feel free to keep asking questions or just get some support! I know how stressful this class is in summer. :)

Aww..Thank you so much!! :) What YouTube videos did you view?

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Tons. Khan academy medicine has a ton of great ones. I especially found the one on the renin- angiotensin-aldosterone system very helpful. I have also watched vids on heart conduction, blood flow, length-tension relationship, ADH, ACTH, as well as loads of videos to study for lab - people going thru and naming everything on the heart model, thorax model for arteries, as well as cat dissection vids. Oh, I also try to look at tons of histology slides on the Internet as that is sometimes a weak area for me. I've learned that repetition in that really helps me get it down solid. All you have to do is google image search thyroid slide or pancreas slide (for example) and tons of stuff will come up.

Tons. Khan academy medicine has a ton of great ones. I especially found the one on the renin- angiotensin-aldosterone system very helpful. I have also watched vids on heart conduction blood flow, length-tension relationship, ADH, ACTH, as well as loads of videos to study for lab - people going thru and naming everything on the heart model, thorax model for arteries, as well as cat dissection vids. Oh, I also try to look at tons of histology slides on the Internet as that is sometimes a weak area for me. I've learned that repetition in that really helps me get it down solid. All you have to do is google image search thyroid slide or pancreas slide (for example) and tons of stuff will come up.[/quote']

These tips that you provided would definitely help..Thank you!! :)

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