Reid State C.College In Alabama

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Is there anyone on here who are current or past students of RSTC's Practical Nursing Program, that can give me some insite about their program. I was accepted into their program for Fall 2012, but I'm still waiting to hear from Faulkner State to see if I will be readmitted into the program there. I just found out that they won't make a decision on those applicants till the end of this semester which is the end of this month July. I also applied at Bishop but won't hear from them for atleast another week or two. This is my delema I live in Spanish Fort. Since I already know what to expect from Faulkner they are my first choice. Bishop I heard is very unorganized and very little of their students passed the Spring semester. So I would just go there just because its closer and if Faulkner declines me. On the other hand Reid is in Atmore, they already accepted me but there on a first come first serve basis, who ever gets their tuition paid first will have a seat. Orientation is 7-13-12 and the day before class 8-22-12 . The longer I wait the lesser my chances I will keep my seat. So I'm stuck on how should I make the decision.

Also, if its worth the hour drive then I don't mind taking it.

Hi! How is faulkner ? Thinking about attending.

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