private nursing program or wait years to get in?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing



It is that time of the month where we receive our acceptance or rejection letters from nursing school and unfortunately, I received rejection letters from all the programs I have applied to. Right now, I am looking into private schools. My overall GPA and grades in the science prereqs are not competitive at all. I received B's in Anat and Physio and a C in Micro and I have no experience in the medical field that would help me earn points to some programs that uses this system.

I would like to know your experiences and opinions on going to the private school route. It seems that it is my only option, however the cost is just ridiculous.

Or I can also wait for years and for the time being become a CNA or Phlebotomist. But with that, it is still not guaranteed that I would get into nursing school.

I would really appreciate it if you guys can share your thoughts on this.

Thank you and best of luck to all of us!

Specializes in Varied.
I don't know you are your situation my advice to you is to you is to be careful with private institutions. I went to a private school, spent late nights studying, long early morning drives and lots of gas money to clinical only to make it to my last semester for the school to close down on us. Since it was a private school and was not accredited, no school would accept my credits. We used the same books as the public or traditional schools used and all. After my school closed almost 2 years ago, I am happy to say that I have been accepted into a public institution and will be starting this fall. I have to take all my nursing classes over but I know that it will be well worth it because I know that my school have an excellent reputation and it is fully accredited. At the end of the day, make your decision based on YOU and what's best and will work for you. What every you decide, I wish you the best of luck.

This happens a lot!

It may also be worth moving, if you aren't tied down with a family, to a town with a program which allows you to retake your science courses. I know a girl who is taking anatomy for the third and fourth time at my school.

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