Just knocking down pre-reqs

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi all, I'm new (obvs) to this forum and I've found all the information really really helpful. I guess I just wanted to see how not-crazy or crazy I am for attempting this.

Background:I am a 32-year-old female student with 3 young children going through a divorce. I almost completed my AS 7 years ago when I was a biology student, then I got married and fell pregnant. I'll spare you the sob story with my ex but basically, he was unfaithful about a year ago, we went through some hard times and ultimately separated in April. At the time I was a home daycare provider and totally completely wiped out. Ex lost his job in May and I lost the majority of my daycare children around the same time.

I took that as a sign and have since decided to go back to school and earn my ADN and eventually my BSN (hoping to find work with my ADN first?). I live rent-free because my parents own my house. My ex is wishy-washy on support - so I have applied and been given food-stamps and TANF. Along with loans and free daycare, I hope to make it through schooling.

School: I have 6 prerequisites left: Anatomy, Microbiology, Physiology, Developmental Psych (seems like many programs require this), Nutrition, and Political Science.

I am taking political science and nutrition online this semester as I try to prepare and find daycare for my children. This spring I am looking at taking Anatomy and the Psych class, Micro in summer, and Physio and the algebra class I'd like to retake for an "A" instead of a "B", in fall of 2018. My cumulative GPA is 3.0, but it seems I can't really fix that super easily (darn messing around as a young free 20 yr old!).

What really sucks is yes, due to my position I want to get into a program ASAP, but it seems like stacking the classes I have left is just damn near impossible - especially since I want an "A" in each. Does the lineup I have look doable? Maybe you would switch Micro and Physiology? Maybe I am just crazy for thinking I can go to Nursing School at 32 with 3 kids?

I'm in the Southern CA area going to PCC currently, if that helps at all!

Specializes in MSICU.

Go slower if you are worried about making sure you're grades are high. I was originally registered to finish so we but made the hard decision to take fewer classes at a time to give myself the best chance at an A, and more importantly really learning the material. The plan you laid it wpuld likely work well for you :)

I'm in a similar situation as you except I work full time while going to school. I also have 3 kids (who are now 10, 7, and 3) but I don't get any child support unfortunately so I have no choice but to work.

You can definitely make it work as long as you manage your time well, especially if you aren't working at all. I was able to maintain a 3.91 so believe me, it's totally possible!! Study while your kiddos are in school and use quizlet if you can...it saved my butt big time! Find out what learning/studying style works for you, once you get that down you'll be golden! Good luck to you! You got this!

Eta: I was only taking 2 lab sciences at a time so I think it's doable. If you're worried, start off just taking 1 to see how you do and knock out 3 of the easy courses along side it. :)

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