It's My Turn

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I finally got the letter and email I have been waiting for since I turned in my application in August of 2009. I will officially be a nursing student come fall 2011. So why am I so scared?? Why am I all of a sudden doubting myself?? I dont know if any of this makes any sense to anybody but me, but I have been fighting to get in for so long now that the time has come I feel like a kid going to her first day of 6th grade at a new school:D lol

This is a pre-nursing student forum. If there are any new students or just people in general out there who felt this way but are fine now, I would sure love to hear from you.



You're probably scared because it's something new! We all get afraid sometimes to do something that's foreign to us. Prerequisites were we get to the tough stuff.

Just remind yourself that you worked really hard for this and you deserve it! I'm sure you'll find yourself scared, happy, nervous, sad, etc; sometimes you'll feel some of these emotions at once. In the end though, if nursing is what you want to do, it may end up being the best experience of your life :)

I start NS next month and am scared too. Partly nervous because I've waited so long to get here & am afraid of failing.

I start next month too! I felt the same way after I got my letter, and still kinda feel that way. You aren't alone out there!!!

Thanks to both of you for responding. I also got in kind of late I was one of those people who got called because a spot opened up and I was next in line, but hay whatever works:-) ns starts for me next month to and I think your its not only the fear of the unknown, but now that I got this far its the fear of failing:-(

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