Dropping undergrad to take CC courses?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello everyone

so I'm in my undergrad studying biology, and I am trying to find a way into nursing school. I have about 4-5 semesters left until graduation and I was considering dropping my undergrad to take community college courses for my prereqs. I have taken a decent amount of prereqs at my current school, and my GPA is okay. I want to take CC courses to boost my GPA and knock out my prereqs at a significantly cheaper price (rather than doing them here at my current university). Is this a good idea? I don't necessarily want to do an ABSN because of the inability to work. And I don't want to graduate with a degree in something I don't want to do. I want to transfer into a BSN program, but does dropping my undergrad look bad? Even if I get good grades in the CC courses?

Any advice or or comments are greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone.

I also was a Biology major at my state university. Was not able to apply for as pre-nursing due to it's new policy being strict and straight forward for the competitiveness. So I decided to attend CC for my science pre-reqs to apply for the RN program at the CC and do RN-BSN in the future. Other than that, going back to a CC is helping me gain the confidence to interact with my professors more than I ever did at a CSU (one class, 100+ student).

Overtime it made me see my interest with certain classes that I have the thought of wanting to strive for more classes to keep my options for the Health Career open.

Nursing is my primary choice due to the stability, but I have don't have ENOUGH experience to say it's the career that will fulfill my character/skills that I will have build for the next few years of studying. Still searching, always a student, always learning - I'm an "average" non straight A student, but my strive to truly learn is inevitable.

I sometimes worry about the time/years spent with this decision, that being the judgement of people/family thinking I am wasting my time being "indecisive" and staying at a community college too long, but I try to keep in mind..

"Reach for the stars and you'll land on the moon. The moon is pretty damn awesome"

- My Microbiology Professor

I often apply this saying as..

Take as much opportunities as you can, even if it means taking classes/volunteer opportunities and you'll later find yourself in a position that was meant for you. Sometimes the unplanned things can be pretty damn awesome..

Some people say they want to be ____, but then when they experience it they often feel regret. Maybe it was due to the money, the popularity, the opinions of people. That being said.. no, dropping undergrad in my opinion would not look bad. It all depends on your purpose.

This was probably the best thing I've read in a while. This is exactly what I needed. Bless you, and I know you will find your way. That attitude will take you places. Best of luck to you friend

Typo: I **don't** have ENOUGH experience to say it's the career that will fulfill my character/skills that I will have built for the next few years of studying.

Thank you! Honestly, I was very happy to finally see a post that related to my situation. For the past few years since '15-16 (freshman year) have been anxious with this decision.

I dove in for it, accepting the judgements of people. Those years of frustration on "will I ever get into a program?" taught me a lot..

I continuously searched for answers by asking a lot of questions. I'm a bit introverted but I love gaining advice that will help shape my mindset..

Since a CC has a smaller facility, it really helped narrow down and keep the connections closer to understand each other.

I realized that jumping into a University (especially quarter system) put a lot of pressure in me to study to PASS instead of study to LEARN in order to apply it for my future career.

I do not want to pay tremendous amount of money/tuition just to gain knowledge and throw out the door once the course is officially over.

Being able to master the foundation (pre-reqs) at a CC is a blessing for less $$ and maybe even less gas $$ spent on the travel.

I wish the best of luck to you too friend

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