CSULB: Undeclared to Pre-Nursing

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


They said that it is really hard to get into CSULB Nursing but I shrugged it off and tried. Unfortunately, I didn't get in to their program and put me in Undeclared instead. My plan is to take a year in CSULB then declare the next year. I don't know if this will work but any suggestions? Really helpful if you study at CSULB!!

I was admitted everywhere for psychology(my minor) instead of nursing. I elected to go to a CC because I didn't understand how the system worked. In my experience from asking counsellors at CSUF and CSULB, they do not allow "transfers" into the program. At CSUF, you must be admitted as a freshman into their prelicensure program for you to be eligible for their nursing program. At CSULB, you basically apply like everyone else who are coming from other schools. No priority. Ask your counselor because I do not actually go there but that was my understanding.

If I had to do it all over and knew the system a bit better, it seems like the best route would be to get a BA/BS in a somewhat related field such as health science or biology or psychology (or any field for that matter) then enter an accelerated BSN program. They're only about 16 months long compared to 2-2.5 year Traditional BSN programs. You can find ABSN programs on the BRN Site.

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